Byzantine Catholic Church
23300 King Drive, Clinton Township, MI 48035 * +1-586-791-1052 * stnicksbyzantine@yahoo.com

Holy Mysteries of Initiation
Baptism - the first sacrament or Mystery. Baptism is our personal participation in the death and resurrection of Christ. In the Byzantine tradition, Baptism is administered by total immersion into blessed water in order to emphasize the washing of rebirth that takes place.
Chrismation (Confirmation) - Baptism is immediately followed by the second sacrament, "Chrismation" or Confirmation. In Holy Chrismation, we are anointed with the Holy Myron, with the gift of the Holy Spirit being bestowed upon each of us individually. Chrismation is our personal participation in the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
Eucharist - The Holy Eucharist, or Holy Communion, is the sacrament of Christ's true Body and Blood. Following the command of the Lord to 'let the little children come to me' (Mt 19:14), the Church administers the Holy Mysteries of Baptism, Chrismation and Eucharist to infants on the same day, so that they become full members of the Body of Christ, fully integrated into the Church, and full participants in the gift of New Life in Christ.